The paddle is long gone from American schools, but not forgotten; at least not in Idaho. Every time the subject of school discipline comes before the public self-styled traditionalists call for its return. Having matriculated at Weiser Junior High School during the age of the paddle, I have the experience to evaluate its effectiveness.
Holly Crosby taught boys physical education and health. He was one of those men who, on entering adolescence, liked it so much he determined to spend the rest of his days there. From the locker room to the fraternity house common room then back to the locker room as coach, life was a bawdy continuum of practical jokes, watching girls and snapping towels.
The symbol of the coach’s authority was a great oversized shoe sole of inch-thick leather. Only members of a select circle of athletes were ever hit with the fearsome looking paddle, however. Coach would say, “Drop your Jocks and grab your socks,” and the chosen one would strut to the front of the room bend over and take his punishment like a man then saunter back with a smirk on his face while the rest guffawed. (The Jockey shorts reference was included only for color and meter.)
To them, taking swats was an important rite of macho passage. As wielder of the paddle, Coach was assured a prominent place in the adolescent inner circle and, out of class, could be seen swaggering through the halls surrounded by quarterbacks, power forwards and starting pitchers. Together they kept order.
Those of us outside the fraternity of the paddle were kept in line through a number of humiliating punishments administered by Coach. His favorite was to draw a small circle on the blackboard just above nose level and then order the miscreant to stand on tiptoe and hold his nose there until told to withdraw.
This was particularly embarrassing for me because I had developed an ample spare tire that would not disappear until a growth spurt in high school suddenly stretched it out. Whenever I was pressed against the dusty blackboard several inches of bare midriff were usually exposed offering an inviting target for Coach’s peashooter or squirt gun.
Needless to say, I would have preferred a swat with the paddle, but, like all exclusive clubs, the fraternity of the paddle automatically excluded anyone who wanted to get in.